For some people, solo travel is a time to reflect and figure themselves out, while for others, it's an opportunity of ultimate freedom. 

Now, whichever category you fall into, you should be aware of its upsides and downsides.

In this week's blog post, we'll be highlighting the pros and cons of travelling solo. 


Stick with us.


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The Pros


1. You have your space all to yourself 

Isn't it lovely when you step into your room and meet things the exact way you left them? One of the sweetest things about travelling solo is not having to think about splitting wardrobe space or sharing the bathroom with anyone. There's no better feeling than having the whole room to yourself without considering the next person.


2. You get to meet new people

Travelling solo gives you an opportunity to mingle and network with people you wouldn't have had the chance to meet if you weren't alone. You'll be more aware of your surroundings and notice similar interests you share with people which might be a good conversation starter. Hence, leading to new friendships and partnerships .


 Why I Hate Meeting New People – That Didn't Quite Work Out For Me


3. Travelling solo gives you freedom

One of the positives of travelling solo is the liberation it brings. Travelling with your friends or partner can be thrilling, but sometimes little arguments may occur and you all might not see eye to eye on everything. 

But when you travel solo, it's all about you. You're free to head out whenever and wherever you without having to explain yourself to anyone. At that moment, you are your most important person. 


4. It builds your confidence

Travelling solo teaches you to be fully reliant on yourself and make your own decisions. It empowers you to believe in yourself and trust your own judgement.

Since you're alone, you'll learn to stand up for yourself and take the forefront on matters that concern you.


5.  It gives you time to think

Now, you have all the time in the world to self-reflect. There's no one to distract you, and no deadline to meet up with. You can fully focus on the things that are important to you and also get to know yourself and discover new things about who you are.


The Cons 


1. It's more expensive

The catch here is that you have to handle the costs all by yourself. From feeding, to transportation to accommodation, the bills are all yours to sort. On top of that, getting better deals can be near to impossible given most of the discounts are for group tickets and purchases.


America's 10 most expensive states to live in 2019

2. It’s less safe
Travelling in pairs can come in handy when you need to defend yourself, but when travelling solo you have to be extremely careful about your safety.

3. There's no one to help you out
Travelling to a foreign country can be quite daunting when there's no one with you. Surrounded by people who most likely don't understand your language and wouldn't be able to communicate properly to ease your stress can be frustrating. So if you're not up to the task of doing everything yourself, you shouldn't consider travelling solo.

4. You'll get lonely
As much as travelling solo is exhilarating, it sometimes gets lonely. Having no one to share the experiences of the day with might turn your vacation from sweet to sour if you're not the kind that finds solitude in being alone.

5. There's no one to share the excitement with
Another downside to travelling alone is that you cannot share the thrill with anyone. Imagine going to visit Romeo and JUliest balcony in Verona alone?! That's just weird because it's a spot for couples.
There's something adorable about making and sharing memories with people and that is simply not possible when you travel alone.

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There's no one size fits all
While we've outlined the pros and cons of travelling solo, we would like you to understand that the onus is on you to make your decision, and we recommend any form of travelling.

Travelling solo however is not for everyone, so before you book that flight, be sure you know what you're signing up for.

If you love travelling solo, please drop a comment telling us why, and share more tips if you have any.

Bye bye, till we see you again next week.

We’ll help you see the world.


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